Women in Ancient Rome

Paul Chrystal

When it comes to researching and writing about women in antiquity, it can be quite difficult. This is mainly due to all of our sources originating from men; this fact is particularly true in ancient Rome.

So a difficult challenge is posed for our author. How does he resolve this? A massive amount of research which takes into account countless primary sources to provide a coherent well-written insight into the lives of women during this period.

This book is perfect for those looking to gain an understanding of what life was like for women during the Roman era. It is also ideal for those interested more generally in ancient Rome. Looking at history from a new fresh perspective shines a light on what may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Definitely recommended for all; even those with just a passing interest in this time period.

Book Details
Author: Paul Chrystal
Pages: 304
Publisher: Amberley Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN-10: 1445643766
ISBN-13: 978-1445643762
Dimensions: 12.4 x 1.7 x 19.8 cm

Women Adult