• 753 BCE - Romulus and Remus found Rome
  • 509 BCE - Last king of Rome is exiled, the Roman Republic is founded
  • 450 BCE - First written Roman law
  • 390 BCE - Gauls sack Rome
  • 265 BCE - Rome completes conquest of Italian peninsula
  • 264 BCE - First Punic War begins against Carthage
  • 216 BCE - Hannibal Barca humiliates Roman forces at Battle of Cannae (Second Punic War)
  • 146 BCE - Rome crushes Carthage in Third Punic War.
  • 107 BCE - Gaius Marius' military reforms
  • 73 BCE - Spartacus' rebellion
  • 49 BCE - Caesar crosses the Rubicon starting a civil war against Pompey the Great
  • 44 BCE - Caesar is assassinated
  • 31 BCE - Octavian defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium
  • 27 BCE - Octavian granted extraordinary powers by the Senate; ending the Roman Republic and starting the Roman Empire
  • 1 CE - Population of Rome reaches one million
  • 9 CE - Roman forces are humiliated at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest
  • 43 CE - Roman conquest of Britain begins
  • 60 CE - Boudicca leads rebellion against Roman rule
  • 64 CE - Great fire of Rome
  • 79 CE - Vesuvius erupts destroying Pompeii and Herculaneum
  • 80 CE - Colosseum is completed
  • 117 CE - Rome's territories are at their largest under Emperor Trajan
  • 122 CE - Construction of Hadrian's Wall begins
  • 165 CE - First Great Plague of Rome
  • 235 CE - Crisis of the Third Century begins
  • 285 CE - Diocletian splits the Roman Empire into four entities ending the Crisis of the Third Century
  • 325 CE - Constantine the Great reunites the Roman Empire into one entity
  • 410 CE - Visigoths sack Rome
  • 476 CE - Odoacer invades Italy bringing an end to the Western Roman Empire